Please fill out this form as best you can, giving all the details you have worked out so far. If you don't know, be honest about the bits that aren't set yet or where you may be looking for input. We meet in the first week of each month to discuss upcoming and proposed events. We are run by a volunteer crew and will be in touch within a couple of days. You can chase us up at softy@softysclubhouse.club
~~~ nuthin here yet
Everything we know we have learned from experience and we continue to grow and adapt.
Softys Clubhouse does not charge a "venue hire fee", but we generally do require $$ input to cover supervision fees for our Production manager/s.
For some types of events, we require all patrons to become Softys Clubhouse members. We evaluate this decision based on real and percieved risk, both to the venue and patrons.
Generally all music gigs need to be members-only.
We insist that crucial tech people are paid sufficiently. Bands and performers should be paid. We rely on significant volunteer input for various roles at events, but have learned that we need at least a couple of core skilled people on staff for most events and they need to be paid.
Unless every performer and support staff member is paid full industry rates, we insist on complete transparency about all money matters. For most gigs this level of payment is not possible. You must be entirely honest when booking bands and performers about how much they will be paid; how much (if any) is guaranteed and how much is based on ticket sales.
We pay crucial techs a guaranteed fee. Then for the bands, generally we work out a base rate per act, then add on additional per performer fee. We set these fees based on how much $$ comes in from ticket sales.
If you have a different model, we are very happy to discuss this. Bottom line is though - the fixed or guaranteed fees need to come out first, then payments based on ticket sales. Everyone who works on the event (including unpaid volunteers) has the right to be informed of how much $$ comes in and how it is paid out.
On a very successful gig, even unpaid volunteers should be paid at least a small fee to cover transport and a meal - say $50 - before organisers take a profit.
Membership fees go to Softys Clubhouse. We may choose to pay for some expenses from our membership fees.
We do not hire out the venue. We also do not allow outside production crews to run events here entirely on their own. We ultimately have a responsibility to our members and other local patrons, so Softys Clubhouse retains the Production Management role and partners with other groups who can take on the Creative Director or Curator role and be a production partner.