Recently Softys Clubhouse organised a survey and a symposium about what young people want from live music in Newcastle. We also asked bands what they wanted. Lots of bands did not have good quality recordings or videos of their songs.
SOFTYS SESSIONS is our response.
We have some equipment and will be seeking to beg and borrow more. We have some expertise and are looking for additional volunteers who may be interested in recording and mixing, filming and editing.
Together we hope to build up a lasting record of this vibrant creative scene that currently exists in the realm of Newcastle music.
VOL I is brought to you by Growing Pains Music Collective, a Newcastle based music label, co-managed by India Seddon and Ethan Wilcock and dedicated to bringing you the best in all ages gigs and events.
India and Ethan are part of the Softys Clubhouse Events Management team, a group of music motivated humans, working to make music projects fun and successful.
SOFTYS SESSIONS is not a gig. It's a live recording session with an audience and you have to be a Softys Clubhouse Member to attend. If you come to this event you will end up in a video clip or two - so wear something awesome! Or if you're in the witness protection program, wear a mask!
Friday 26th October 2018 - 7pm
20 Maitland Road, Islington
features the following bands...