List all the people you have lined up to crew your event. Master the form! If a role is not required, write N/A. If you haven't found someone yet, make a note of that.
Add in phone numbers and email addresses. We use the email addresses to offer volunteers free membership. We use the phone numbers to make a list for crew to be able to contact one another at the event. It may also be necessary to contact crew members before or after the gig regarding loading in or returning gear. We respect privacy.
~~~ nuthin here yet
The event crew are also jointly responsible for patron safety. Rather than have a security guard plonked out the front, we brief all crew members on what to look out for and how to deal with it. From time to time, Softys Clubhouse will hold Venue Safety Training Sessions. With one-off volunteers, we usually hold a safety briefing for the entire crew about half an hour before an event starts.
Be up-front about what you feel comfortable doing. We jointly take this responsibility, so each of us within the group works to our individual strengths. Some people are good at talking to people, others are good at watching and identifying problems.
The crew roles specified here may not match up with your event. That's ok. Master the form! You may have a Prize fairy, a Band Wrangler, a Raffle Ticket Seller - bung them in the existing fields and make notes to adapt the form - or list them in the Additional Crew field. If you've missed out something crucial, we will let you know.
The main thing is we want a FULL LIST of everybody you will be bringing to crew your event.
There is a seprate form to list all the performers.